Mt. Lebanon School District, Pittsburgh, PA

We’re amazed. A number of you have already sent virtual hugs to school students around the world by making a gift to the You Matter Marathon that was doubled! We’re doing the happy dance!

We welcome more contributions so we can reach our $3000 goal. And remember, the amount we raise will be matched for the next two weeks only. If we meet our goal we can provide free You Matter cards to 50 schools this year.

Please give today and help us spread kindness to school students around the world.

All donors this year will be recognized at our new annual giving levels (see below). And if you give $50 or more you’ll receive a free You Matter face mask so you can spread positivity everywhere you go. We can’t thank you enough for your support and all the ways you make the world a kinder place.

You Matter.

Cheryl Rice, Founder

The You Matter Marathon will recognize the generosity of our 2021 donors at the following levels:
Smile – $1 – $49
Grin – $50 – 99
Twinkle – $100 – $249
Beam – $250 – $499
Laugh – $500 – $999
Happy Dance – $1,000 and up

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