Showing Students that They Matter

Showing Students that They Matter

“This is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”–Frederick Buechner Hi YuMMies, I know that it can be difficult to see the good in-between all the bad that’s occurring in the world right now, so I wanted to share one of the...

Exclusive You Matter Interview with Author and YuMMie Brad Aronson

Exclusive You Matter Interview with Author and YuMMie Brad Aronson

Hi YuMMies, I’m incredibly excited to introduce you to my friend and fellow YuMMie Brad Aronson, and to tell you about his special and uplifting book, HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time. The book is full of stories about seemingly small acts of...

Words Matter, Make Yours Count.

Words Matter, Make Yours Count.

A few years ago, I shared a disappointing experience I had in a parking lot. I was looking for a spot in a crowded lot. A woman illegally parked in front of me waved for me to go around her, but the cars were packed so tightly that I couldn’t get by. I politely...

A Walk in the Park Inspires You Matter Moment

A Walk in the Park Inspires You Matter Moment

Hi YuMMies, In this time of physical distancing, many of us are missing loved ones and the mask-free interactions we were able to have just months ago. Though this ‘new normal’ may feel dim and lonely, I believe it is a true You Matter Moment in the world. The...

You Don’t Want to Miss this You Matter Story

You Don’t Want to Miss this You Matter Story

Dear YuMMies, Opportunities for kindness don't always come to you on a silver platter. Often you have to take risks when you see an opening for a kindness – and sometimes they don't pay off – but when they do, you've struck gold. This story came to me a few days ago...

New and Inspiring You Matter Story & Photo!

New and Inspiring You Matter Story & Photo!

This veterinarian teared up through her mask when she received a YM card Hope you are taking care of your special self. I continue to be deeply moved by your generosity of spirit and the You Matter stories and photos you share all year long. Even during a pandemic!...

Mattering More – In Times Of Trouble

Mattering More – In Times Of Trouble

“In times of crisis, helping others is the best way to find meaning and mattering.” Professor Isaac Prilleltensky You matter – and you make the You Matter Marathon the success that it is every year. Thank you!Six months after the 2019 Marathon we’re still receiving...

You Matter! Pass This On!

You Matter! Pass This On!

Stay well and wonderful, You Matter. Cheryl Rice PS: Find more digital You Matter Cards here:

Tell someone they matter TODAY!

Tell someone they matter TODAY!

And as we all know, telling other people they matter, matters. To them and to us. Let’s not wait until the time of physical distancing is over to create meaningful connections. Let’s make kindness even more contagious than the Coronavirus. Let’s tell someone they...

Share A Virtual You Matter Card Today!

Share A Virtual You Matter Card Today!

Until we meet again In this time of physical distancing the need for social and emotional connection is more essential than ever. We yearn for hugs. We ache for those who are suffering. We champion those who are on the front lines, whether delivering our groceries or...

5 More Ways You Can Share the You Matter Message During This Time

5 More Ways You Can Share the You Matter Message During This Time

Image credit: Dennis Pitocco Dear YUMMies, It can be easy to succumb to feeling helpless during these times. But, one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to reach out and take small meaningful actions that align with our values. As YuMMies living through...

How to Keep the You Matter Marathon Fresh!

How to Keep the You Matter Marathon Fresh!

Thank you so much for your multi-year participation in the You Matter Marathon. Without you, this message would not have spread as deep and as wide as it has. Thought you might value this candid and heartfelt story from a friend and multi-year YuMMie, Janet Falon. ...

Help Us Share 2 Million You Matter Cards! Sign Up Today!

Help Us Share 2 Million You Matter Cards! Sign Up Today!

"Person to person, moment to moment, as we love, we change the world." ―Samahria Lyte Kaufman Dear YuMMies: Thanks to those of you who have already signed up for this year's Marathon. And thanks to our donors and sponsors for making it possible. Already, our community...

Who can You Tell about the You Matter Marathon?

Who can You Tell about the You Matter Marathon?

"Do your little bit of good where you are;it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."—Desmond Tutu Hi YuMMies, We’re working hard to get the word out about the You Matter Marathon and need your help! Please consider taking a moment to tell...

You Matter Marathon Poem & Video

You Matter Marathon Poem & Video

Hi YuMMies,Wanted to share this You Matter poem and video that we originally shared last year. They are both so representative of the You Matter magic that we felt they should be shared again.First, enjoy this You Matter poem written by YuMMie Howard...

Mr. Rogers and You Matter. Can You Help?

Mr. Rogers and You Matter. Can You Help?

Dear YuMMies: Mr. Rogers said to “Always look for the helpers.” I’m looking for help. Specifically, I’m eager to connect with the person at TriStar Pictures in charge of marketing for the upcoming Mr. Rogers movie, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”...

Our You Matter Marathon TEDx was Promoted!

Our You Matter Marathon TEDx was Promoted!

Great news: The You Matter message is so powerful that my TEDx talk, was just picked up by This means many more people world-wide will have a chance to join our movement. A movement and a message that is needed more now than ever.I couldn’t have...

We did it, YuMMies!

We did it, YuMMies!

“The You Matter Marathon reminded me the world could be kind.The impact this has is other worldly.”– Brooke (Diamondhead, MS)We did it, YuMMies! Thanks to you, we have raised $5,125 for our “You Matter Match-a-thon” campaign, passing our initial goal of...

You can make a difference!

You can make a difference!

“In the end we all just really want the same simple thing…to know that WE MATTER”– Harriet (Orange County, CA)Over the years, the You Matter Marathon has grown from a small idea to a worldwide movement thanks to you, YuMMies. You Matter cards have...

The Business of Handing out Joy

The Business of Handing out Joy

If you’ve participated in the You Matter Marathon before, you know it feels just as good to give a You Matter card as it does to receive one.  Watching someone’s face light up as they read the words “You Matter” is like watching a child open a present on...

I Don’t Matter

I Don’t Matter

“I Don’t Matter”Have those words ever run through your head?  If you’re human, chances are they have. Everyone, at some point, feels alone or even worthless, and it is our job at the You Matter Marathon to prove you wrong.Every person on this planet...

Check out this Nourishing You Matter Story

Check out this Nourishing You Matter Story

Dear YuMMies,           Karen lives in West Virginia and has been giving out You Matter cards for two years. She loves to see the positive impact of the You Matter Marathon in action, and her husband spreads the message even further on his business trips...

Introducing our 2019 Summer You Matter Elves

Introducing our 2019 Summer You Matter Elves

Every single one of our hearts really does matter…because that’s what it’s all about – our common humanity.—John Kabat ZinnDear YuMMies,Even though the Marathon begins in November, summer is our season for preparing You Matter cards to be mailed throughout...

Another Heartwarming You Matter Story

Another Heartwarming You Matter Story

Dear YuMMies,We’re delighted to share another powerful You Matter story.Keri lives in Orlando, FL and has participated in the You Matter Marathon several times. This past year, she was an ambassador for Eastland Christian School and helped them achieve a...

You Matter Moment

You Matter Moment

Hi YuMMies, In the spirit of “You never know when a You Matter moment will show up,” I offer this story. While walking in the park this morning, I saw a man cleaning a bench with Windex and a paper towel. The bench had a small plaque on it with the names of two...

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