Dear YuMMies,
Instead of focusing on “New Year, New You” what if we focused on “New Year, More Cared for You”?
We owe it to ourselves to start 2023 with a fresh perspective on what self-care means and why it’s so important in our lives. The You Matter mission acknowledges just that – YOU Matter.
YOU must take care of yourself physically, spiritually, and mentally before YOU can truly care for others and share our vital YOU MATTER message. Spending even a few moments each day nurturing your mind, body, and spirit can do wonders for your well-being. Whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book, listening to your favorite song, or connecting with a friend, we need to believe that we’re worth investing in.
Let’s start 2023 by resolving to take better care of ourselves. In fact, let’s start today! Do one caring, compassionate, feel-good thing to remind yourself that YOU MATTER.
Because you do.
Cheryl Rice, Founder