We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
A Dakota Proverb

Dear YMM’ers (You Matter Marathoners),

Welcome to week 3 of the Marathon! We are so grateful for our community of over 9,765 individuals and 257 ambassador organizations.

Whether this is your first marathon or your seventh, we love hearing your inspirational You Matter stories. We put together the resources below to help enhance your marathon experience – check them out!

You Matter Marathon Week Three Challenge
Leave a card anonymously for someone to find.
Where will you leave a card today?

YMM Story
“I taped a You Matter card on the inside lid of my mailbox lid.
I got a scrap of paper with a hand written “thank you” with my mail the next day.

I put a You Matter card centered in a piece of clear packing tape
and put it on the outside of a train window.

I taped one in the baby food aisle when I was shopping for baby food pouches for my Grandaughter. I went about picking out pouches and a young mom entered the aisle and started making her selections. She started to cry. I was touched.
I walked over and gave her her own card and said, “it’s true”.

– Harold, YMM Participant

You Matter Marathon Resources

  1. Please feel welcome to post your YM stories and photos in our website Guest Book or Facebook Group! Your stories inspire us!
  2. 100 Ways to Share a You Matter Card Check out inspiring and creative ways to share a card submitted by YuMMies.
  3. You Matter Digital Cards: Click here to download and share YM cards from the comfort of home.
  4. View our Recorded Seminar Sessions on you Tube:

You Matter Marathon in the News

Thank you.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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