We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
–Dakota Proverb
Dear YuMMies,
Thank you.
Your commitment to sharing the You Matter message with others has been profoundly impactful.
One card at a time, together we’ve touched more than 2,130,000 people throughout the world.
And your stories and notes confirm that you’re equally touched by these heart-felt connections.
We’ve grown over 400% in the last 18 months.
This growth warms our hearts as it challenges us financially.
We were days away from having to charge people for cards.
We don’t want that to happen. We want more and more people to experience the You Matter magic.
So this year:
- We’ll give 10 free cards, rather than 30, to everyone who signs up.
- We’ll launch a signature Mini-Marathon in November where, for a small fee, people can receive 30 YM cards and a fun gift for giving out one card a day during the month.
These changes will allow us to keep up with the demand for free You Matter cards while we add an uplifting community component to the experience.
What you can do now:
- You’re welcome to sign up for your 10 free cards today
- Invite your friends to be part of our community
- Continue to share your stories and photos.
Thank you for enhancing and extending our reach. We couldn’t achieve our mission without you.
You matter.

Cheryl Rice, Founder
This is such (as it was also noted by ymm) a little gesture BUT sooo powerful, meaningful & by far one of thee best posts I’ve came across while online in along time I absolutely love this whole concept so props to u CHERYL RICE, FOUNDER. BLESS your beautiful heart. Stay Safe & God Bless!!
Thanks for your lovely note, Jodi. It warms my heart to know there are people like you who value what we’re up to and make it possible for us to continue. YOU matter. Cheryl.