Until we meet again

In this time of physical distancing the need for social and emotional connection is more essential than ever.

We yearn for hugs. We ache for those who are suffering. We champion those who are on the front lines, whether delivering our groceries or nursing the sick, and, from the safety of our homes, we look for ways to make a meaningful difference.

We simply cannot wait until November to share the You Matter cards in person, so we’ve created the a virtual You Matter Toolkit.

You can share this vital message within your community today.

That’s right: today!

What’s in the You Matter Toolkit

  1. Virtual You Matter cards that you download and share in emails or social media of your choice.
  2. You Matter electronic greeting cards. Five different greeting cards that can be downloaded, then copied and pasted in emails and social media.
  3. You Matter video card share. You can make a short video telling us and the world who matters to you right now. See a sample here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L-87zcsT_Xn_iJXFe4ettQX0vXa8aTTP/view?usp=sharing

How to Access the You Matter Toolkit
Click on the toolbox below and you’ll go to a Dropbox folder with each of the tools and a short description of how to use them. 

Email any questions on accessing or using these tools to Megan Knorr: [email protected]

Big thanks to Megan for assembling our You Matter Toolkit.

Stay well. Stay wonderful.

You Matter.
Cheryl Rice, Founder

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