“This is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”
–Frederick Buechner

Hi YuMMies,

I know that it can be difficult to see the good in-between all the bad that’s occurring in the world right now, so I wanted to share one of the encouraging You Matter stories we received during the pandemic. This hopeful story was sent to me by YuMMie Colleen Kennedy Rutledge, a volunteer at a Colorado elementary school.

Colleen has been a YuMMie for a few years now, and the You Matter cards given out at her school began an inspiring initiative after the school’s closing due to coronavirus. On the last day of classes, the principal of Colleen’s school sent this email to the staff:

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Last year, Colleen Rutledge, Kim Worline’s volunteer, brought this phrase to the forefront for us in the form of little ‘You Matter’ cards as a way of reminding each other that individuals have importance and significance in our lives, our community, and our world.

 Today and tomorrow, as we busily close out our classrooms and our time together, I ask you to imagine each one of your students and families holding one of those cards and ponder these questions:

How have each of your students and families mattered to you?

What did they teach you?

What will you do with your learning?

How does each student and family matter to our community?

What have we learned?

And, what will we do with our new insights?

Sometimes our impact is small, and that’s okay. Sometimes what we do and say has far reaching implications. I am so grateful you feel comfortable bringing me your ideas.  Sometimes we just don’t get to them, but many times we do.  I believe we are supporting and guiding a generation of kids who do believe that they matter and that their influence on the world is important.

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It is incredibly uplifting to see our teachers and mentors looking toward the future and teaching our children to lead with the confidence and kindness that we hope to inspire with our marathon – especially during such uncertain and bleak times.Thank you to Colleen for bringing the You Matter Message to her school and to all the educators who have continued to work through the challenges of this pandemic with thought and care to make our future the brightest it can be.
You Matter.

Cheryl Rice, Founder

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