Linda from Scottsdale, Arizona includes YM cards with her Thanksgiving greetings 

Dear YuMMies (my term of endearment for You Matter Marathon participants):

What a spectacular week of You Matter magic!

Currently, our community consists of over 23,350 individuals and organizations from 82 countries. Some of our recent Ambassador organizations include Mt. Lebanon School District – Team Locomotion, Slough Happiness Collective, and The American School of Tampico.

YMM Story 

I gave a card to a lead administrator at our hospital who attends every department meeting, keeps notes, organizes the meeting, tracks issues, and keeps people in their lanes. She was completely taken back, teared up and said, “thank you I usually never get recognized”. To me it is like dropping a small pebble in the pond, the ripple effect is endless.
My heart is full.
-Kate from Midland MI

You Matter Marathon Checklist!

  1. Please post your YM stories and photos in our website Guest Book or Facebook Group! Your stories inspire all of us!
  2. Want more cards? Simply go to our Minuteman Press Ambler store and place your order. A portion of your purchase goes to the YMM.
  3. You Matter mask! Share your cards in safety and style. Buy a You Matter mask today! (Or make a $50.00 donation to the YMM and we’ll mail you a mask for free!).
  4. You Matter journal. Download our free YMM Journal to deepen and enrich your Marathon experience.
  5. You Matter Virtual Cards: Click here to download and share YM cards from the comfort of home.
  6. YuMMie Meet & Greet. Connect with YuMMies from all parts of the world who are creating the magic. Saturday from 2-2:30 p.m. EST via this Zoom Link.

YMM in the News!
We’re grateful to the following folks for their generous promotion of the 2020 You Matter Marathon. Please look, listen, and share so we can give them props and get even more people involved in sharing You Matter cards this month.

Thank you.

You Matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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