You Matter Moment of the Week

“I work for a university, and on campus we have many students who come from broken homes. They come to school with little or no support.

For our basketball home games, I always made goodies for the players on both the women’s and men’s teams. I always include a You Matter card with a little personal note on the back.

Also, for finals week, I bought candy bars and attached a YOU MATTER card to each candy bar with a ribbon. On the back of the YOU MATTER cards I wrote, ” Good luck with finals!” I will be handing out the candy bars tomorrow in our Memorial Union. I know that it is a small gesture, but to many of theses students, it will let them know that someone is thinking of them and that they do matter.”

-You Matter Marathon Participant

What You Can Do

Inspired by this story? You can make a difference in someone’s life too! Every small act of kindness adds up, and together we can create a more supportive community.

Here’s how you can get involved in our worldwide movement:

    • Sign up for You Matter Marathon today to receive 10 free cards.
    • Running low on cards? You can buy more from our online store.
    • We love hearing your You Matter stories – submit your story on our website.
    • Help us continue to share the You Matter magic and donate today.
You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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