You Matter Moment of the Week
“I’ve shared You Matter cards both with unsuspecting recipients and through the Loving Kindness meditation group I facilitate (a small army of warm-hearted people). Sadly, my card supply and enthusiasm dwindled and my You Matter card sharing became few and far between. I also became a bit shy of sharing the You Matter message, unsure as to how it would be received.
Well, that all changed the other day! I’m a retired teacher and I substitute teach from time to time. Recently in class, I noticed an emotionally upset student. I didn’t make the situation any better when I initially gave her an “I’m waiting for quiet so I can explain the lesson” stare. She recovered with the support of her friends, but I could see that she was still upset.
Earlier that morning I had grabbed a book to bring to school, in case there was down time for me to read. While the students were quietly working, I decided to read a few pages. Miraculously the bookmark was a long lost You Matter card!
Unsure if it was the right thing to do, I decided to slip the student the You Matter card before she left class. I was a little scared to give it to her but decided why not? The stars aligned and we crossed paths. I silently handed her the You Matter card and smiled. She read it, put her hand to her mouth, then allowed the tears to flow as she hugged a friend and showed her the card. Mission accomplished!
Now I’m back on the You Matter Marathon bandwagon and ready to share more cards and the You Matter message!”
What You Can Do
Did this story resonate? Remember how sharing the YM message brought you joy as you reminded someone of their worth? Pick up the practice again this new year, one card at a time. Here’s how:
Here’s how you can join us:
- Starting tomorrow, you can sign up to receive 10 free cards for 2025. Don’t forget to join us for another amazing year!
- Buy more cards today!
- We love hearing your You Matter stories – submit your story on our website.
- Help us continue to share the You Matter magic and donate today.
Cheryl Rice, Founder
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