You Matter Moment of the Week
“My personal goal was to give more YM cards to strangers, especially men. In the past few years I have no problem giving them to women, but I struggled with giving them to men. The day my YM cards arrived I had to run errands. As I pulled into the parking lot I received the gift of watching this young dad, push his cart super fast towards his truck with two young boys beaming with glee. As the dad picked each son out of the cart, he spun them around before placing them into their car seats…giggle galore. My mind thought is he going to think this is dumb and I shook that negative thought off, walked up to him and thanked him for brightening my day by interacting so joy-filled with his sons. I gave him the YM card, told him You Matter, turned around and walked away. I hope his heart filled with joy as much as mine did watching him be in the moment with his two kids!”
What You Can Do
We are in the midst of the holiday season. This time of year is a favorite for some people. For others, the holidays are the hardest time of the year. The You Matter message is needed now more than ever! Please continue spreading positivity amidst the holiday season.
If you have a memorable You Matter Marathon story that you would like to share, we would love to read it. Please send an email to [email protected].
If you’ve been moved by the You Matter Marathon – help us continue to share the You Matter magic and donate today.