You Matter Moment of the Week

“I joined the You Matter Marathon after finding out about it from the Greater Good website. I enthusiastically signed up to receive my You Matter cards and started my marathon with running shoes on!

After handing out a few cards to unexpected strangers and realizing the impact these 2 little words made to each recipient, I decided to pass this good will message on! I lead an ‘inspirational discussion’ group each week at a senior community where I work. Two weeks ago I invited participants to join the You Matter movement. I handed out 10 cards to each person to start with, and challenged them to give a card to 10 people of their choosing during the week.

The following week at our discussion, I asked who they chose to give to, what was the person’s reaction and how the group members felt after witnessing their reaction. Each member responded with an overwhelming sense of joy and heartfelt impact from their ability to brighten someone’s day and touch their life in an instant. The responses were priceless.

More cards were requested and the invitation to join You Matter Marathon was passed on to their friends and family. The ripple effect continues to grow spreading kindness, compassion, and most importantly the message that we all matter and are not alone!”

Orland Park, IL

What You Can Do

Just like Kim, you can be the spark that ignites a wave of kindness! The You Matter Marathon is more than cards – it’s a movement to spread positivity, create connections, and remind others of their worth. Join our movement today! Here’s how:

    • Sign up for You Matter Marathon today to receive 10 free cards.
    • Running low on cards? You can buy more from our online store.
    • We love hearing your You Matter stories – submit your story on our website.
    • Help us continue to share the You Matter magic and donate today.
You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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