Please be our match

Dear YuMMies,

We are amazed. More than 15 YuMMies have already become our perfect match by making a gift to the You Matter Marathon that was doubled! We’re doing the happy dance!
To date, we’ve received $795 toward our goal of $3,000 in gifts – the amount that will be matched by School Improvement Partnership this month only. If we can meet this full match, we’ll be able to send 6,450 free You Matter cards into the world.
Please be our match and help us spread kindness around the world.

All donors this year will be recognized at our new annual giving levels (see below). And everyone who gives $50 or more will receive a free You Matter face mask so you can spread positivity everywhere you go. We can’t thank you enough for your support and all of the ways you make the world a kinder place.

You Matter.

With Gratitude,

Cheryl Rice, Founder

The You Matter Marathon will recognize the generosity of our 2021 donors at the following levels:
Smile – $1 – $49
Grin – $50 – 99
Twinkle – $100 – $249
Beam – $250 – $499
Laugh – $500 – $999
Happy Dance – $1,000 and up

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