Our Mission and Why It Matters

You Matter Marathon isn’t just about handing out cards. It’s about the fundamental need to feel like we matter. Our mission is to create positive connections between individuals and others in their communities. The heart of this mission lies the belief that a world where everyone feels valued is a joyful, more peaceful world.

Loneliness is a growing epidemic. A recent study by Cigna found that loneliness and social isolation are as harmful to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.1 Feeling disconnected can lead to depression, anxiety, and even physical health problems.

But the good news is, feeling like we matter is a powerful antidote. Strong social connections also provide a sense of belonging and support, which can buffer us from stress and help us cope with challenges.

The You Matter Marathon isn’t about grand gestures; it’s about the small acts of kindness that can make a big difference. Sharing a You Matter card is a simple way to remind someone of their worth and build a positive connection. It’s a ripple effect of kindness that can spread throughout communities and contribute to a world where everyone feels valued and seen.

Join us in creating a world where “You Matter” isn’t just a phrase on a card, but a truth we live every day. Visit our website to sign up for free You Matter cards and be a part of the movement!

Join our Facebook group to connect with other YuMMies!

Help Us Keep Cards Free. Contribute to our Mission Today!

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