Spreading Kindness at Camp
How You Matter Marathon Can Make a Difference

Summer camp is a whirlwind of new experiences, friendships, and maybe even a few homesick moments. It’s a time for kids to grow, explore, and learn valuable life lessons. Here are a few ways you can incorporate You Matter cards into your child’s summer camp experience:

A Surprise Discovery: Pack a You Matter card in your child’s backpack or luggage. Tuck it somewhere they might find it unexpectedly, like inside their lunchbox or tucked under their pillow. This little surprise can be a reminder of your love and support, especially during those first few days of adjustment.

Sharing the Love: Send your child off to camp with a handful of You Matter cards. Encourage them to pass them out to new friends, fellow campers who might be feeling down, or even a counselor who’s been particularly helpful. The act of giving can be just as powerful as receiving, and your child will be practicing empathy and compassion.

Appreciation for the Staff: Camp wouldn’t be the same without the dedicated counselors and staff who work tirelessly to ensure a safe and fun experience for all the campers. Consider leaving a pack of You Matter cards with the camp director or head counselor. They can be distributed to staff members as a token of your appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The beauty of the You Matter Marathon is its simplicity. A single card with two powerful words can have a profound impact on someone’s day. By incorporating You Matter Marathon into your child’s camp experience, you’re not just sending them off with fun memories – you’re equipping them with the tools to spread kindness and make a positive difference in the world around them.

In need of more cards? You can sign up and receive 10 free cards! You can also buy more cards from our store or download a template to print them at home.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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