Summer months are typically filled with road trips and vacations – both perfect opportunities to spread YOU MATTER magic! Whether your travel plans are visiting abroad or visiting your local pool, don’t forget to pack YOU MATTER cards.

Our YuMMies seem to always have cards on them, check out these cool vacation moments:

“We were travelling and gave half of my cards when we were in China. It was interesting to see the cultural difference when people there received the cards. I always find it a wonderful thing to do.”

“My mother and I took a short trip and at each meal I would leave a You Matter card with a note to the server letting them know how they enhanced our experience.”

Even locally, YuMMies find ways to spread magic when out and about:

“From the gal behind the counter at Wawa, who clutched the card to her chest, closed her eyes and smiled, as if I had just handed her a gift she had always wanted, to the retail sales girl at the Gap, who went from robotically asking me if I had found everything I was looking for to pulling out her phone and showing me pictures of a gift her high school counselor sent her.”

Help us spread YOU MATTER magic. Share a YOU MATTER card on your trip out of town or trip to a local store this summer!

Sign Up now to get your 10 free cards.

You matter.



Cheryl Rice, Founder

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