“Telling people they matter matters. To them and to us.”
– Cheryl Rice, YMM Founder

Dear YMM’ers (You Matter Marathoners), 

Welcome to week 4 of the Marathon! Our mission is to show kindness, gratitude, and compassion to everyone, including ourselves. Currently, our community consists of over 9,850 individuals and 260 ambassador organizations. We want each of you to know – YOU MATTER! 

You Matter Marathon Week Four Challenge
Give one card each day to someone you think really needs to be reminded that they matter.
Who will you give a card to today?

YMM Story
 I was feeling pretty defeated. My email had the story of You Matter. I had read of it before and had been very moved. Today I realized I was the one who needed the message and it was just handed to me. With love. I’m very grateful.
– Ilene, Seattle, WA

You Matter Marathon Resources

  1. Please feel welcome to post your YM stories and photos in our website Guest Book or Facebook Group! Your stories inspire us!
  2. 100 Ways to Share a You Matter Card Check out inspiring and creative ways to share a card submitted by YuMMies.
  3. You Matter Digital Cards: Click here to download and share YM cards from the comfort of home.
  4. View our Recorded Seminar Sessions on you Tube:

You Matter Marathon in the News

Thank you.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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