“I made some thankfulness note cards to send to friends and family, and each one includes a You Matter card with a wee seasonal embellishment.”

Dear YuMMies (my term of endearment for You Matter Marathon participants):

Welcome to week 4 of the Marathon!

We’re jumping for joy at the incredible growth of our You Matter community! We’ve broken all kinds of participation records from previous years and are having our most successful marathon ever! Currently, our YOU MATTER community 7,668 individuals and 321 organizations from 98 countries. That’s over 51,000 people spreading You Matter magic this year!

YMM Story
This is my 1st You Matter marathon. I work with homeless outreach and these cards
 often bring tears to my clients’ eyes. Two words…small but mighty!


You Matter Marathon Week Four Challenge
Hand out one card each day to anyone who think may need it. Who did you give a card to today? 

You Matter Marathon Checklist!

  1. Please feel welcome to post your YM stories and photos in our website Guest Book or Facebook Group! Your stories inspire us!
  2. You Matter journal. Download our free YMM Journal to deepen and enrich your Marathon experience.
  3. You Matter Digital Cards: Click here to download and share YM cards from the comfort of home.
  4. View our Recorded Seminar Sessions on you Tube:

You Matter Marathon in the News

Thank you.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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