You Matter, Mom

Self-Care Reminders for Mother’s Day (and Every Day)

“There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.”

—James E. Faust

Mothers pour into their children, nurturing them and guiding them every step of the way. Mom, remember that you deserve the same care and attention. Don’t let the hustle and bustle push your own needs aside!

This Mother’s Day, take a moment to remind yourself of your worth. Here are some gentle reminders to prioritize your well-being, because a happy and healthy mom means a happier and healthier family:

    • Embrace the “Me Moment.” It doesn’t have to be a spa day, although that’s wonderful too! Maybe it’s a quiet cup of coffee before the chaos starts, a relaxing bath with a good book, or a phone call with a friend.
    • Fuel Your Body. Nourish yourself with healthy foods that give you energy. Don’t skip meals or settle for unhealthy snacks. You deserve to feel good from the inside out.
    • Move Your Body. Even a short walk or yoga session can work wonders for your mood and energy levels. Find an activity you enjoy, even if it’s just dancing around the kitchen with your kids.
    • Ask for Help. You don’t have to do it all alone! Delegate chores, ask your partner for a break, or reach out to friends and family for support.
    • Say No. It’s okay to set boundaries and decline requests when you need to prioritize yourself.
    • Embrace Imperfection. You don’t have to be a “supermom.” It’s okay to make mistakes and have bad days. Embrace the messy moments and focus on being present with your children.

Most importantly, remember: You Matter. Take a You Matter card and write an affirmation to yourself. Something like, “You are strong, capable, and deserving of love and care.”

P.S. Share this blog with the amazing moms you know, and encourage them to take some well-deserved time for themselves.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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