You Matter Moment of the Week

Jenn and her students at the Transition Center in Alexandria, Minnesota.

“I blessed an elderly lady who looked sad in the eyes when I decided to approach her and I give her a YOU MATTER card. She grabbed my arm and had tears in her eyes and said, ‘Bless YOU, I needed this more than you know today. I cannot wait to tell my friend all about it.’ 

I gave her an extra card and told her to bless her friend with a ‘YOU MATTER’ card. 

This opportunity- to make a difference in the lives of our people in our own community is the best gift I can give myself and my children, family, friends, and the community of Alexandria.”


Jenn is a special education teacher from Alexandria, Minnesota. She has been spreading the You Matter magic her her community since 2020. Since then, her and her students have blessed thousands of lives in their community with two simple words: YOU MATTER! 

Jenn and her students have participated in the last three November card challenges. This year she set a goal of giving out 1,123 cards, and her students more than doubled the goal by giving out 2,684 cards. She encouraged her friends, family, and coworkers to join the challenge. In total, the group gave out over 3,800 cared in Novermber alone!

The change in her community doesn’t stop there. She recently starting working on a mini food pantry call “YOU MATTER Food Pantry.” The pantry will help feed students that need food.

You can read more about the difference Jenn is making in her community here.

What You Can Do

Create a ripple effect of kindness in your community! Let’s fill the world with uplifting messages and positivity. Here’s how:

  • Buy more cards today!
  • We love hearing your You Matter stories – submit your story on our website.
  • Help us continue to share the You Matter magic and donate today.

You matter.


Cheryl Rice, Founder

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