You Matter Marathon Holiday Greeting

We hope you enjoy this You Matter MarathonHoliday GreetingYou matter.   Cheryl Rice, Founder

You Matter Moment

You Matter Moment

"I have been donating blankets and cozy warm wraps around town this holiday season. Several of my cards were placed with donated blankets and given to a local dialysis center. Another blanket with a You Matter card was ‘secretly’ placed on the steps of a fire truck in...

You Matter Moment

You Matter Moment

"I am elderly and disabled due to M.S.  I am housebound but mail these to my friends, family and give in person to my caregivers, visiting nurses, etc. God bless you for all you do!  It makes me feel so proud to be able to join in on this touching and heartfelt...

Let’s Keep the You Matter Marathon Going

Let’s Keep the You Matter Marathon Going

“Everyone I gave a card to smiled and said Thank You for caring!!I still have some and they are going into my family's Christmas stockings and others at my church.”–YuMMie Dear YMM'ers, Let's keep the marathon going! We’re jumping for joy and gratitude as our...

You Matter Moment

You Matter Moment

"The first thing I noticed about Joshua was his sparking eyes behind the mask. My husband, Harold, and I were doing our weekly “geezer” grocery shopping at Walmart in Richland, Washington. Joshua asked if he could assist me in finding something in the produce section....

Join Us for a Gratitude Gathering!

Join Us for a Gratitude Gathering!

NEW!Don’t Miss our Gratitude Gathering People love hearing You Matter stories almost as much as they love sharing You Matter cards! Join YMM participants from around the globe as we share inspiring You Matter stories from this year’s You Matter Marathon. It’s a...

You Matter Marathon Week 3 Update

You Matter Marathon Week 3 Update

"Telling people they matter matters. To them and to us."- Cheryl Rice, YMM Founder Dear YMM'ers (You Matter Marathoners),  Welcome to week 4 of the Marathon! Our mission is to show kindness, gratitude, and compassion to everyone, including ourselves. Currently, our...

You Matter Moment

You Matter Moment

"I had some of my You Matter cards in the car and my 8 year old daughter saw them. She remembered handing some out last year and asked if it would be okay for her to take some more. She wanted to know if she could hand them out to her teachers this year, since they...

You Matter Marathon Week 3 Update

You Matter Marathon Week 3 Update

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. A Dakota Proverb Dear YMM'ers (You Matter Marathoners), Welcome to week 3 of the Marathon! We are so grateful for our community of over 9,765 individuals and 257 ambassador organizations. Whether this is your first...

You Matter Special Moment

You Matter Special Moment

"At a visit to a local deli, the women working behind the tall counter looked worn. She bore a bitter look on her face and she seemed wholly disinterested in connecting with her customers. The disdain on her face made me a little scared to even place an order with...

You Matter Marathon Week 2 Update

You Matter Marathon Week 2 Update

"If you could only sense how important you are to those you meet…there is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person."- Fred Rogers Dear YMM'ers (You Matter Marathoners),  Welcome to week 2 of the Marathon! Hope you were able to...

You Matter Marathon Week 1 Update

You Matter Marathon Week 1 Update

“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once,but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach."—Clarissa Pinkola Estes Dear YMM'ers (You Matter Marathoners), And we’re off! Welcome to week 1 of the Marathon! Hope you’ve...

The Wait is Over – YMM Starts Today!

You Matter. Giving and receiving a YOU MATTER card can be life changing. Enjoy these inspiring stories and meaningful resources.The You Matter Marathon Starts Today! Dear YuMMies, The wait is over! It’s finally You Matter Marathon month. We’re so excited that each of...

5 Days Away!

5 Days Away!

Dear YuMMies (my term of endearment for You Matter Marathon participants): We’re just 5 days away from the start of the 2022 You Matter Marathon! Such a simple way to spread kindness. “Sharing cards makes people smile” – A YMM Participant Currently, our community...

Less than One Week Until YMM Kick-Off!

Hi YuMMies! We’re less than one week away from November and we already have 9,386 individual participants and 232 Ambassador organizations signed up for 2022 You Matter Marathon! Help us continue to spread YOU MATTER magic this year. Sign up today for the 2022 You...

We Need You…

We Need You…

Dear YuMMies, Thanks to our amazing and generous YuMMies, we've raised almost $2,000! Our goal is to send out free YOU MATTER cards in 2023. We need your help to make that happen. Every donation matters!  Would you help us reach our goal and make a gift today?Text...

You Matter Marathon Godmother

You Matter Marathon Godmother

  "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy,they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."―Marcel Proust Interview with the Inspiring “Godmother” of the You Matter Marathon  The idea for the You Matter Marathon began when a colleague gave me...

A Must Watch Message from our Founder

A must watch video message from Cheryl Rice, You Matter Marathon founderWe Need Your Help. Donate Today!Text "YMM" to 44321  Click Here for direct donation linkWhy are Free You Matter Cards so Important?Check out this You Matter Moment I got my free 30 cards and...

You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” –Eleanor Brown Hi YuMMies, As we move into October, we’re beginning to gear up for the 2022 You Matter Marathon! 2022 may be our most important year yet. Now more than ever, people need to know that...

We’re Almost Out of Free You Matter Cards: Please Help

We’re Almost Out of Free You Matter Cards: Please Help

Dear YuMMies, We need your help. For the first time in our history we're running out of funds to send YOU MATTER cards for free. Demand for You Matter cards has grown over 400% in the past year. Since January we’ve mailed almost 300,000 free cards. But demand is...

Be a 2022 You Matter Influencer

Be a 2022 You Matter Influencer

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller Dear YuMMies, Thank you for showing up, signing up, and brightening up the world with You Matter cards. Every day you inspire us with precious You Matter moments, and we appreciate you all. This...

Time’s Running Out for Free You Matter Cards

Time’s Running Out for Free You Matter Cards

"Generosity is contagious. Start an epidemic today." —Author Unknown We’re just over one month away from November and the YMM already has 8,937 individuals and 208 ambassador organizations signed up to share the magic! While that's awesome news, it means for the first...

September YMM Newsletter

You Matter. Giving and receiving a YOU MATTER card can be life changing. Enjoy these inspiring stories and meaningful resources.Featured You Matter Moment It is important for me to remember that I matter. Life gets bumpy sometimes so we all need that very positive...

The Magic and Mystery of a You Matter Card

The Magic and Mystery of a You Matter Card

The Magic and Mystery of a You Matter CardWhen you give someone a You Matter cardyou never know the hurtthey may have recently been throughor the self-doubt they’re going through. Maybe an ordinary day; maybe not. And when not, the card can become a game changer.Last...

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